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Australian Leafy Greens

Our Baby Leaf salad crop journey began in 2007 with baby leaves such as lettuce and spinach.  We are passionate about baby leaf and it is a fast-moving part of our business with its short harvest times. These crops are harvested and marketed at an immature stage of development compared to other vegetable crops which is what gives it its delicate flavour and superb suitability in salads.

At Wilamay, our team is dedicated to producing the finest quality nutritious and delicious produce no matter the conditions or challenges.



What is Baby Leaf?


Baby Leaf greens are young, freshly grown salad vegetables that are tender and tasty.  Like all green leafy vegetables, they are highly nutritious and are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, potassium and calcium.  They are also loaded with valuable phytochemicals that plants produce that help to protect your cellular system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Not only do we know that baby leaf vegetables are incredibly good for us, they are perfect to make a sensational salad or garnish.

Wilamay Farms Baby Leaf

12 Month Supply

- Rocket

- Mizuna

- Tatsoi

- Chard

- Kale


April - October

- Red Coral

- Green Coral

- Green Oak

- Spinach

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